Lost Lessons (Midnight Picnic)

In development with Boca Del Lupo

Lost Lessons takes up a collection of astronomy slides, given to the artist by her father, a former professor in the sciences. Spanning the 1970s to 1990s these slides reveal diagrams, illustrations, formulas and photographs of the emerging NASA space program and the growing technical capacity to document the universe. Drawing on this imagery and significant events such as the Voyager mission and the Challenger disaster, this micro-performance grapples with the shifting narratives that try to define human relationships with the universe in the face of environmental crisis.

For the June 2018, Espace art actuel #119 - Space Art, Caitlin Chaisson interviewed me about this ongoing project. Read below.

Lost Lessons is supported by the Canadian Council for the Arts.

Photo credit: Denis Gutiérrez-Ogrinc